Workers Rights Commitment.

At Unionize Baltimore, we stand in solidarity with workers and are committed to upholding and protecting their rights. As members of our community, we pledge to champion the following principles:

1. Protecting Workers' Rights:

We pledge to advocate for the rights of all workers, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and equitable treatment in the workplace. We believe that every worker deserves dignity, respect, and a voice in decisions that affect their lives.

2. Rejecting Union Busting:

We adamantly oppose any efforts to undermine or suppress workers' right to organize and collectively bargain. We stand against union busting tactics and commit to supporting workers in their efforts to form and maintain unions.

3. Supporting Union or Cooperative Businesses:

We prioritize supporting businesses that respect workers' rights, including those that are unionized or operate as cooperatives. We recognize the importance of empowering workers and building economic solidarity within our community.

4. Never Crossing a Picket Line:

We pledge to stand in solidarity with workers on strike by refusing to cross picket lines. We understand that crossing a picket line undermines the collective power of workers and can perpetuate injustice in the workplace.

5. Promoting Pro-Worker Policies:

We advocate for policies that prioritize the well-being and rights of workers, including but not limited to paid sick leave, fair scheduling, healthcare access, and protections against discrimination and harassment.

6. Fostering Inclusive and Diverse Workplaces:

We believe in creating inclusive and diverse workplaces where all workers, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or background, are valued, respected, and treated fairly.

7. Educating and Empowering Workers:

We are committed to providing education, resources, and support to empower workers to understand their rights, organize their workplaces, and advocate for positive change.

8. Holding Ourselves Accountable:

We hold ourselves accountable to these principles and pledge to continuously evaluate our actions and practices to ensure they align with our commitment to workers' rights and social justice.

By pledging to uphold these principles, we affirm our dedication to building a more just and equitable society where every worker is treated with fairness, dignity, and respect.