Code of COnduct.

We, the members of the Unionize Baltimore Activist Coalition, are united in our mission to improve conditions and empower workers across our city. As an organization dedicated to promoting safety, fairness, and dignity for all, we commit to upholding the highest standards of conduct in both word and deed.

Safety and Solidarity: We pledge to look out for one another's well-being. No member should feel unsafe or uncomfortable during coalition activities. We stand together against harassment or intimidation of any kind.

Kindness and Understanding: We embrace diversity of experience and seek to understand differing perspectives. Our discussions will be respectful and solution-focused. We reject hateful, abusive, or needlessly divisive speech.

Pro-Worker in All Things: In our advocacy and community outreach, we give voice to the full diversity of Baltimore's workforce. We promote policies and practices that are fair, equitable, and empowering for all people who earn their living through labor.

One Fight: Though our members come from varied backgrounds, we are united in the fight for workers' rights. We pledge to strengthen each other through open communication, mutual respect and solidarity in pursuit of our shared goals of justice and dignity for Baltimore's workforce.